About Nina Pitoska

I started my teaching career more than twenty five years ago at a secondary school in Balham, South London where I taught maths and physics for a year and a half. After that I taught maths for more than nine years at a secondary school in North West London. I must admit that I did not know anything about dyslexia, ADD/ADHD and other related learning differences before they entered my personal life. I remember feeling very confused about some of my students who were labelled as "learning disabled " and yet who were very articulate and could easily remember various information about their favourite football team, pop group, computer games, cars, films and so on; but no matter how hard they tried to learn simple maths concepts, they simply could not retain the information. I also remember how frustrated some of their parents were, not knowing how to help their children. What I love about the Davis® methods is that they fully explain what dyslexia is and how parents and teachers can work together to help any dyslexic child achieve their full potential. I've been working with both children and adults since 2000 and I am certain that, if the client is motivated, any problems associated with dyslexia can be resolved.