- Appears bright and articulate but unable to read, write or spell at the appropriate level
- Labelled lazy, immature or with a behavioural problem
- Disorderly or compulsive behaviour
- Poor self-esteem, easily frustrated
- Covers up weaknesses with ingenious strategies
- Daydreamer, poor sense of time and/or direction
- Limited attention span
- Learns best through experience, observation and visual aids
- Skips or misreads words and lines
- Poor comprehension
- Complains of dizziness, nausea, headaches or stomach aches while reading or studying
Hearing and speech
- Easily distracted
- Difficulty putting thoughts into words
- Misprononounces words or stammers
Writing and motor skills
- Trouble writing or copying, unusual pen grip, often presses too hard
- Handwriting varies or is illegible
- Clumsy, uncoordinated, poor at ball or team sports

Maths and time management
- Difficulties remembering the times tables or other sequential information
- Knows answers but unable to work them out on paper
- Counting on fingers
- Difficulties with word problems
- Difficulties telling time and lack of organisational skills