The Three Core Davis® Programmes
Dyslexia- difficulties with reading, writing and comprehension
The Davis® Dyslexia Correction Programme helps the individual discover his/her innate gift and to apply it to the learning difficulty.
Clients are shown how to clear up confusions regarding letters, numbers, words and language symbols and are helped in the process by the use of modelling clay.
Suitable for both children and adults and is typically a five day Programme (30 hours) although some learners might benefit from a more spread out schedule.
Here are models of some of the trigger words that are part of the Dyslexia Programme:

Definition: more than enough ( There are too many sweets ).

Definition:in the direction of ( I am going to the park).

Definition: more than one ( The two of us are dancing together).
The above three words sound the same and can cause great confusions when reading and writing. By clay modelling the definition of these words, confusions are removed and the client is able to use these common words with certainty.
Dyscalculia- difficulties with Maths

The Davis® Maths Mastery Programme includes mastery of the basic foundation concepts that support mathematics such as consequence, cause and effect, time, sequence, order and disorder, Davis series of 12 maths arithmetic exercises and a mastery of maths trigger words.
Typical program length may vary from 5-8 days and is suitable for both children and adults.

Many dyslexics find estimating and telling time extremely difficult. They need to understand what time means first.

Fun picture for the meaning of 'add'.

Once correct pictures are created, even fractions become easy and fun to do.

Problems with times tables? Not any more!

The Davis® Attention Mastery Programme is suitable for both children, aged 8 and over, and adults.
Attention and behavioural difficulties can be something a client wants to gain control over. Using a combination of the Davis tools and mastering some basic life concepts like self, change, consequence,cause and effect, time,sequence, order, responsibility…will help someone who has these difficulties learn to control them with ease.
Typical Programme length may vary from 5 to 8 days and young clients might benefit from a more spread out schedule.

Something happens as a result of something else ( If I do my words, I will get good marks)

Order is when things are in their proper place, proper condition and proper position.

Disorder: when things are not in their proper place, condition or position.

When I am disoriented, I feel anxious, confused, spaced out and angry. I can stay that way or use my tools and feel certain and happy. I am in control.

Sequence: the way things follow each other in size, amount, time, arbitrary order and importance. Learning to plan and prioritise are some of the benefits in mastering this concept.
All Davis® Programmes are client led and the structure and the content of each Programme is always determined by the client's goals.The three core Programmes above are suited to the most common combination of goals and also may include handwriting, coordination and help with auditory processing.
The Davis® Reading Programme for Young Learners - suitable for 5 to 7 year olds
I am particularly excited about the Davis® Young Learners Programme as, if done as soon as the child shows any signs of frustration and/or reversal of letters or numbers, any of the difficulties associated with dyslexia will not be developed.
Please note that at least half or more of the Programme time will also include the parent or the support person participating in helping the child with the new skills and techniques.
For more information about this Programme, please visit: